Community Hockey (U7 - U21)
General Information
Program registration is based on the age of the child as of December 31 of the current season.
U7 through U18 players are assigned to ranked teams after going through evaluations. Teams play corresponding teams from the other Calgary Minor Hockey Associations. U7 - U13 teams play other teams from South Calgary only during regular season, while U15 - U18 teams play both North and South Calgary teams in regular season. Body checking is not permitted in U13 and under.
Registration | June 15 to August 15 |
Pre-Season Camps | Late August (U9/U11) September (U7/U13/U15/U18) |
Evaluations | September |
Team formation | End of September |
Games / Practices | October - February |
Esso Minor Hockey Week | January |
City Wide Play Offs | March |
U7 (Timbits)
NEW for 2024-2025: Due to lower U7 enrolment in recent years, we are no longer able to guarantee a set schedule for U7 practices going forward.
U7 encourages fun, participation and developing basic skating and game skills in a team environment. More information about U7 can be found on the Hockey Calgary website.
Trails West teams will be participating in the "West" Quadrant which includes Glenlake Minor Hockey Club and Springbank Minor Hockey Association.
Hockey Calgary's Timbits Learn to Play Program - August 26 - August 29, 2024 for incoming first time U7 (Timbits) players. Registration opens Aug 1, 2024 at 12pm (noon).
2024 - Timbits Learn to Play Program Information Brochure
Hockey Calgary's Timbits Jamboree - is scheduled on March 1, 2025 at Cardel Rec South. A family oriented day where U7 Timbits families can enjoy the success of the season. All U7 players who attend will receive a Timbits Medal, honouring each players for a job well done.
Hockey Calgary's Equipment & Care Information
Hockey Calgary Intro to Hockey Resource Guide 2024-2025
Hockey Calgary Timbits Program
Hockey Calgary Timbits Exhibition and Tournament Game Requests
Hockey Alberta - Intro to Hockey
U7 Junior
- 8 games will be scheduled by Hockey Calgary
- Games will be scheduled on Saturdays
- Games will be scheduled in line with community regular season – Dec 4 to 21 & Jan 3 to Feb 25
- Teams can host or attend tournaments beginning November 25
- Maximum 2 tournaments/jamborees (excluding Hockey Calgary Jamboree)
- Maximum 1 out of town tournament (defined as any rink outside Hockey Calgary boundaries)
U7 Senior
- 8 games will be scheduled by Hockey Calgary
- Games will be scheduled on Sundays
- Games will be scheduled in line with community regular season – Dec 4 to 21 & Jan 3 to Feb 25
- Teams can host or attend tournaments beginning November 11
- Maximum 3 tournaments/jamborees (excluding Hockey Calgary Jamboree)
- Maximum 1 out of town tournament (defined as any rink outside Hockey Calgary boundaries)
U7 Junior & Senior
- Games will be scheduled for 2 team format, and will continue to encourage 3 team format for tournaments and jamboree
- Games scheduled on weekends, max 1 per weekend
- Teams will be allowed 1 schedule window
- Associations will be allowed one “black out” weekend for their teams if they are hosting a program wide tournament during the above dates.
Age Group Coordinator:
VP Operations (U7-U9):
U9 focus is on skill development and the fundamentals of hockey. Game play is introduced with a limited number of half-ice games during the season. More information about U9 and the U9 Development League can be found on the Hockey Calgary website.
Hockey Calgary Intro to Hockey Resource Guide 2024-2025
U9 Coach/Manager/Scorekeeper In Game Cheat Sheet
Hockey Calgary U9 Exhibition & Tournament Game Sanctioning
Hockey Alberta - Intro to Hockey
Age Group Coordinator:
VP Operations (U7-U9):
U11 players continue to develop at the U11 level; this level introduces designated positions, including goaltender as well as league standings and playoffs.
Hockey Calgary U11 'Hybrid Goalie' Policy
Hockey Calgary U11 1 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U11 2 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U11 3 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U11 4 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U11 5 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U11 6 South Standings
Age Group Coordinator:
VP Operations (U11):
U13 player development continues. Body checking is not allowed at this age division.
Hockey Calgary U13 1 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U13 2 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U13 3 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U13 4 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U13 5 South Standings
Hockey Calgary U13 6 South Standings
Age Group Coordinator:
VP Operations (U13):
U15 There are two separate streams, Body Checking and Non Body Checking. Players must elect and evaluate for body checking.
Hockey Calgary U15 BC 1 Standings
Hockey Calgary U15 BC 2 Standings
Hockey Calgary U15 BC 3 Standings
Hockey Calgary U15 NBC 1 Standings
Hockey Calgary U15 NBC 2 Standings
Hockey Calgary U15 NBC 3 Standings
Hockey Calgary U15 NBC 4 Standings
Age Group Coordinator:
VP Operations (U15):
U18 There are two separate streams, Body Checking and Non Body Checking. Players must elect and evaluate for body checking.
Hockey Calgary U18 BC 1 Standings
Hockey Calgary U18 BC 2 Standings
Hockey Calgary U18 BC 3 Standings
Hockey Calgary U18 NBC 1 Standings
Hockey Calgary U18 NBC 2 Standings
Hockey Calgary U18 NBC 2 Standings
Hockey Calgary U18 NBC 3 Standings
Age Group Coordinator:
VP Operations (U18/U21):
Junior C (U21)
U21 / Junior C: Try-outs are required for all Junior teams
Hockey Calgary Junior C Standings
U21 C Coordinator:
Head Coach:
VP Operations (U18/U21):

Trails West Hockey Association
c/o Flames Community Arenas
2390 47 Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2T 5W5