Player information will be on the TeamSnap Team Rosters from the registration form, and every family is encouraged to review and amend this information if necessary on the player profile within TeamSnap.
Helpful TeamSnap Links
Please use the TeamSnap help button located in the bottom right hand corner of the TeamSnap screen if you need further assistance with the application.
TeamSnap Starter Guide for New Members
Manage your TeamSnap Account Settings - account email vs. roster email
Manage Roster Profile Information
Accepting a TeamSnap Invitation
Missing Your Team Invitation? Find a Team Invitation
Merge Account Emails - created multiple accounts? accepted invitation with multiple emails? Here's how to fix this
Update Account Information and Settings
Update Credit Card Information for instalment payments/invoice payments
Make Roster Information Private
Receiving Messages but Missing Team on TeamSnap Account
Player showing multiple times on same team under viewing option - Multiple Accepted Roster Spots
Switching Profiles on a Team (ie. between player and coach/manager)
Add Family Members and Roster Contacts
Share Schedule with Family & Friends
Upload a File to a Player Roster Profile (ie. an updated Player Medical Form)
Add a Team Manager - Only the team owner (the Head Coach) can do this step
Add Team Games & Events - at team level
Edit Team Games and Events- team created *note: TeamLink Events are Team Events or Games that teams can NOT control/edit (ie. Hockey Calgary sanctioned games)
Create Team Assignments for an event
Print a Registration Receipt or TWHA Registration Receipt Instructions with screenshots
Remove a Team from your TeamSnap Account *note: doing this will remove you from receiving both team AND league (TWHA) communications
Updating Credit Card Information for Instalment/Invoice Payments

Trails West Hockey Association
c/o Flames Community Arenas
2390 47 Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2T 5W5