
Referee Clinic Registration

Clinic Types:

U15 Level 1 (13 & 14 years old) - Full day with ice session [search under *Official - Level 1]

U19 Level 1-2 (15-18 years old) - Full day with no ice session [search under *Official - Level 1-2]

Questions about clinics can be sent to

IMPORTANT: Level 1 - You must attend a clinic within the city quadrant that you want to work in.  You will only be assigned games within the same quadrant that you took the course.  If you take a rural course, you will only be assigned rural games.

NEW REFEREES: The HU-Online Officials 1/2 program is a pre-requisite for registration in an in-person Officials - Level 1-2 Clinic. You may register for the online course on the HCR Clinic Registration page.

What level should your register in?  CLICK HERE to read more about the levels.

 2023-2024 Quadrant Assigning FAQ

All officials must re-certify every season if they wish to officiate past December 15. Officials' Certification from the 2023-2024 season will remain valid until December 15, 2024.

IMPORTANT: All referees must have an HCR 3.0 (Spordle) account to register for the referee clinics as e-hockey has been migrated into the Hockey Canada Registry.  Referees can choose to make their own HCR account or use their parent's account once their membership profile has been linked to their parent's HCR account.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this document.

HCR 3.0 Spordle Account - Create & Register for Clinic (2024)

General Referee Information

Referee Equipment

Hockey Alberta - Officials - Resources - Equipment

Required Equipment:

  • Black CSA certified helmet
  • CSA certified half visor
  • Metal or black plastic whistle
  • Black polished skates with white laces
  • Hockey Canada Rule Book
  • Clean official's black and white sweater with Hockey Alberta crest and Hockey Canada crest (with removable arm bands only)
  • Black, pressed pants

Optional Equipment:

  • Elbow pads
  • Athletic support and cup
  • Measuring tape
  • Shin Pads

*** Please note that a black Mesh Under Arm jersey is illegal

Where does the Hockey Alberta Crest go? - Left chest area over your heart
Where does the Hockey Canada Patch go? - Left shoulder
It is not recommended that you iron these on unless you get it done at a sports shop who have the correct equipment. Sewing is the best option. Crests are available at Tuxedo Sports.

U9 Half-Ice Game Format

All U9 games (community and house league) are on half-ice. There are two Referees (one for each half-ice game). A Central Region Supervisor may be assigned to mentor new referees at these games.

Referee Payments

Hockey Calgary Officials Rates (2023-2024)

Hockey Alberta Officals Rate (2023-2024)



Trails West Hockey Association

c/o Flames Community Arenas
2390 47 Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2T 5W5